Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby Jar Christmas Gifts

Jar after jar of baby food was being consumed by our little one.  They are such cute little jars and I hate the thought of recycling them without coming up with a way to use them. 

The Hot Cocoa Reindeer and Marshmallow Snowman were born.


An even number of baby jars
razor blade
fabric for reindeer head
fabric for snowman head
ramekin to trace
rubber bands
brown pip cleaners
silver cord
black, red, orange paint pens
mini marshmellows
hot cocoa

Use the razor blade to get the glue off the baby jars.

Use a ramekin to trace the size hat you need for both reindeer and snowman.  Experiment til you find something the right size.

Use a rubber band to secure the brown fabric to the baby jar.

Use the paint pens to draw on the face.

Over the rubber band, twist the pipe cleaner in the back.

Cut smaller pieces of pip cleaner to create the antlers.

For the snowman.... secure the fabric with a rubber band and cover rubber band with silver cord.

And draw the face on.

and Voila....

They can also be created on larger jars as well....

I gave these little guys with a bag of cookies.  Who doesn't like Hot Cocoa and Cookies around the holidays??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These jars are adorable and so perfect for creating with little ones. I have decided to nominate you for the Liebster Award...