Tuesday, October 30, 2012

50 Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

                                                            Source: prevention.com via Cheryl on Pinterest


I found this article on Pinterest.  It's awesome!  Many woman are worried about their weight, especially mom's with post-pregnancy pounds.  I'm posting this so I have it on hand.  There is a some great stuff in here!  Check it out!  Below is the link to the original article. 


50 Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

Losing weight doesn't have to be so hard. Here are 50 easy ways to reach your goal weight

1. Water yourself. Research shows that dieters who guzzle plenty of H2O lose more weight than those who don't.

2. Halve at it. Divide your normal portion by two and save the rest for later. You are likely to feel full on less food than you think.

3. Go meatless. In general, vegetarians have lower body weights than their meat-eating peers. Follow their lead—at least until you drop a few pounds. (Check out these Vegetarian Dishes That Blast Belly Fat.)

4. Go vegan. Vegetarianism not helping you lose? Take it to the next level by swearing off eggs and dairy, too. Cheese can be a diet killer.

5. Get fresh. Eliminate all packaged foods and eat only fresh ingredients you've prepared. No bags, boxes, cans, or cartons allowed.

6. Diet two days a week. If you can't stick to a program all the time, try slashing your calories to 650 a day just two days a week and eating normally the other days. One study suggests this offers protection from breast cancer as well as assistance with weight loss.

7. Not so sweet. Everyone knows sugar isn't healthy, but when you start reading labels, you find it in unexpected places, like pasta sauce and frozen entrees. Cutting the sugar out of your diet will mean healthier meals overall.

8. Cut the flour. The short-term elimination of floury foods like white bread and pastries can efficiently kick-start your weight loss plan.

9. Be a virgin. Alcoholic beverages are some of the emptiest calories out there. Replace them with water, and the weight comes off.

10. Walk two minutes out of every 30. Short walking breaks add up to weight loss.

11. Fidget more. Studies show that fidgety types burn significantly more calories than their stationary peers.

12. Sleep it off. Research shows that those who don't get enough shut-eye eat more and reach for more fattening grub than people who get plenty of rest. (Trouble snoozing? Here's how to get you best night's sleep—ever.)

13. Get it on. Thirty minutes of sex burns at least 60 calories for a 150-pound woman.

14. Eat at home. Meals eaten away from home have 134 more calories, on average.

15. Start a blog. The weight loss blog is practically a literary genre. Start one, and you aren't just losing for yourself. Your public needs you.

16. Tweet your weight. Some call it the #humiliation diet, but many credit the accountability for their weight loss success. Use the hashtag #tweetyourweight. Tell us about your weight loss and use @PreventionMag!

17. Find a buddy. You know you are more likely to show up at the gym if someone is waiting there for you. Fan Prevention magazine on Facebook to meet more readers like you!

18. Lose to win. Bring a taste of The Biggest Loser to your own gym, work, family, or circle of friends for extra motivation.

19. Veg out. Fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables, which are less calorie dense and more nutritious than any other type of food.

20. Go nuts! A recent study found that dieters who snacked on shelled pistachios shed more pounds than those who ate other snacks, even though they contained the same amount of calories.

21. Grapefruit diet. Eating one grapefruit daily helped 58% of subjects to lose weight, according to research.

22. Pay cash. Shoppers who pay with plastic are more vulnerable to impulse buys, which tend to be the fattening snacks you know you shouldn't have anyway.

23. Don't be smelly. Scented cosmetics make us crave the foods they remind us of, which ultimately makes us eat more, according to recent reports. (Don't miss: The Weird Link Between Your Perfume And Depression.)

24. Remind yourself to eat better. One study found that people chose better-for-them foods when they were prompted to "consider the healthiness" before digging in.

25. Learn to knit. Doing something—anything—with your hands can distract you from your cravings.

26. Train for a race. Many people find that having an athletic goal motivates them to exercise regularly in a way that nothing else can. (Think you can't run? We beg to differ. Here's how to turn your walk into a run.)

27. Join a sports league. Fitness can be fun, and if it is, you're more likely to stick with it. Pickup softball, anyone?

28. Quit sugary drinks. Some supersize sodas have 500-plus calories, and juice isn't much better. Drink water instead. (See item No. 1.)

29. Swear off dessert. Cut a slew of calories by ordering a skim cappuccino instead so you have something to do while your dining companions devour a cheesecake.

30. Join a program. US News recently rated Weight Watchers the best choice for weight loss.

31. Work standing up. Standing burns at least 30% more calories than sitting on your backside all day. (See our easy guide to building your own standing desk.)

32. Get a treadmill desk. Studies suggest you can burn an additional 800 calories during your workday—if you continually walk at a very slow pace.

33. Swap your supper for soup. Soup's high water content makes it a low-calorie and filling option. Just steer clear of the creamy kinds.

34. Stop dieting. Yo-yo dieters don't tend to get thinner—they get fatter. Instead, make a serious lifestyle change.

35. Quit snacking. The real reason the French don't get fat is because it's a cultural faux pas to eat between meals.

36. Go gluten-free. It isn't a miracle diet, but it can be a useful short-term experiment that often leads to weight loss and ultimately a less bread-heavy diet.

37. Spice it up! Cayenne pepper really can rev your metabolism, according to research.

38. Abandon your car. Walk or bike to work for a slimming—not fattening—commute.

39. Eat breakfast. Those who enjoy a morning meal have been shown over and over to be slimmer than breakfast skippers. (Need ideas? Here are 10 Healthy Breakfasts That Satisfy.)

40. Drink more milk. Low-fat dairy consumption seems to speed weight loss—scientists credit the calcium.

41. Eat more yogurt. A recent report revealed the foods most identified with maintaining a healthy weight, and yogurt ranked among the best.

42. Drop the potato chips. At the top of the list for foods that make you add pounds? Potato chips.

43. Take a two-wheeled tour. A long weekend bike ride around your hometown will help you see the sights in a new light, all while you torch a ton of calories.

44. Make it interesting. Go to Stickk.com to sign a contract with yourself to lose weight. If you don't shed the pounds, your money will be donated to a charity that you hate.

45. Weigh in daily. For some, the scale is a bummer and a distraction. Others like the daily feedback and accountability. Try it, and see if you lose weight.

46. Meditate. It's no secret that stress-eating can sabotage the best diet intentions. A short daily meditation can help you keep binge-inducing anxieties in check.

47. Chill out. Drinking eight or more glasses of ice water a day may help your body burn fat, according to research.

48. Express yourself. A creative outlet is likely to boost your self-esteem and take your mind off food. You can't eat and decoupage at the same time.

49. Brush and floss. Who wants to ruin their minty-fresh breath with a snack?

50. Fantasy binge. Before you dig in, visualize yourself eating a treat. Science suggests that those who do this mental exercise will eat less of what they first imagined.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The most beautiful thing I've ever seen

My son is 14 months old.  He's walking and his baby cheeks are starting to fade.

But I can't help it...

As much as I miss my little baby, I am in awe of the little man he's becoming. There are times I look at him and I am truly amazed with how beautiful he is.  His blue eyes and his honey red hair.  The journey of this past year was so amazing.  He may not be the most beautiful baby ever created, but he is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why doesn't the house clean itself?

When I clean the house, I wish I felt like this....

But, I feel like this...


I'm not smiling...

Because there is nothing glamorous to cleaning.  Here are a few tips that help me survive....

1.  Start with 15 minutes.  I read in a Seventeen magazine when I was a teenager, "If you don't want to workout, do it for 15 minutes."  Usually, you'll get on a roll and have an awesome workout.  I think the same can go for cleaning.  Sometimes starting with 15 minutes gets me going.

2.  Zones.  I divide my house in zones. ie.  I have the kitchen zone, dining room table zone, living room zone, etc.  I clean one zone in between doing other things.  I keep tabs on my zones and make sure they all stay reasonably clean.  Keep in mind... Don't neglect the "car zone".  (If you don't have a housekeeper, this is the only zone you can pay someone to clean monthly... just saying.)

3.  5 or 10 minute increments.  If I'm super tired or feeling super lazy, I'll set a timer.  You'll be surprised how much you can get done in 5 minutes!  Keep in mind... doing a 5 minute increment before eating and after eating is 10 minutes of cleaning!  If the house is a disaster... Do an increment, then vacuum, increment, then clean the bathroom, increment, then dust.  All cleaning all the time.

4.  Clean every time you walk into a room.  When I was a new mother, I was so exhausted, I couldn't think of cleaning.  At those times... clean every time you walk into a room.  This is one way to conserve cleaning energy.  Remember, if it's not getting cleaner... it's getting dirtier.  If you feel bad or tired, you'll feel worse if the housework keeps piling up.  It's worth trying to put in the extra effort.

6.  Think about the time of day you have the most energy.  I have the most energy in the morning.  Once it hits 3pm, I am tired and I'm praying for my husband to come home. Try to get most of the cleaning done when you have the most energy.

7.  Cleaning on commercial breaks.  If I want to watch tv, I'll clean on commercial breaks.  I get what I want and I'm being productive.

Those are my cleaning tips.  I am not a great housekeeper by any means, but at least I can find ways to trick myself.  I hope they help others as well.

Monday, October 8, 2012

35 questions to ask your spouse...

Zach and I were drawn to this show when it started last fall, because we were new parents as well.  Course, as the season wore on, in most of the episodes, we say to each other, "where is the baby?"  How does that baby keep conveniently disappearing?

Well anyway, Zach and I were watching it last Thursday.  (Long story short.)  Christina Applegate's and Will Arnett's character eat dinner in front of the tv, tv breaks, they clean off the dining room table, sit down, and realize they have nothing to talk about.  Christina Applegate has a discussion with Maya Rudolph, decides to come up with some questions to ask at dinner, and of course she gets caught by her husband reading questions from a cue card.

But it's true!  My husband and I have been together 6 years and there are times, when we have time together, we have nothing to talk about!

I came across a list of 30 questions to ask your spouse on pinterest.  So I whipped it out on our date last Friday, and it actually carried us through our night.

So I've made a few adjustments, re-ordered it, and added a few.

So here we go:

1.  List 20 random facts about yourself.
2.  Describe 3 legitimate fears you have.  Explain how they became fears.
3.  List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self if you could.
4.  What are 5 things that make you happy right now?
5.  Describe your relationship with your parents.
6.  What is your dream job and why?
7.  List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
8.  What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
9.  What are 5 passions that you have?
10.  Describe 5 strengths you have
11.  Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
12.  Describe your most embarrassing moment.
13.  Describe a typical day in your current life.
14.  What do you like to do to de-stress?
15.  Describe 10 pet peeves.
16.  What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17.  What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
18.  If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
19.  What is your love language?
20.  What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
21.  What is the thing you wish you were great at?
22.  List 10 things you hope to be remembered for.
23.  What is your favorite food?
24.  What is your favorite food as a child?
25.  What are your top 5 things on your bucket list?
26.  What are the top 5 things you love about your spouse?
27.  If you could start a hobby what would it be?
28.  If I could do 1 thing to be a better wife what would it be?
29.  Tell him what he does which makes him a great spouse?  A great father?
30.  What was your earliest memory?
31.  Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
32.  If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you order for them?
33.  If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it?34.  If we could do something fun together, what would you want to do?
35.  If I could watch a tv show with you, what would it be?

Bonus question... If we could have sex anywhere.  Where would you want to have it?

So try it.  You might be surprised at some of the answers.  We were.  And it made for a fun night.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Dreams....

This is a picture of Alex the day after he was born.  I was triumphant, yet so tired.  You can see it in my eyes.

Almost immediately after his birth, I started dreaming about the future.  I remember, the day we drove him home, I dreamt of his High School graduation.  Alex was about 6'2", in a black gown with a black hat.  I fit right underneath his arm to take a picture. I was such a proud mama.

Two months after his birth, I was at a wedding.  The groom did a father mother dance and I balled the whole time.  I dreamt of dancing with Alex on his wedding day.  I could feel everyone watching us as we swayed on the wooden floor.

I dream often of cooking with Alex and my other children, all three of them.  Of course Zach and I are still debating on the third, but time will tell.  But as of right now, there are three in my dreams.  My guts tell me they are boy, girl, boy.

I look forward to the day where all my children will help me cook in the kitchen.  I have a dream each child is in charge of an aspect of dinner, listening to music, and dancing around the kitchen together.  I look forward to baking cookies with them.  I look forward to making rice krispie treats.  I want to make holiday gifts with them and pass them out to our neighbors.

I have dreams of caroling on Christmas night.  Every time I dream about caroling, it's always in front of my friend Carrie's house.  So, Carrie... the whole gang is coming!

I dream of big Christmases and Thanksgivings.  Of Sunday meals.  Of playing board games on Friday nights.  Of having family movie nights.  I look forward to child sleepovers.  I look forward to making pancakes and french toast.

All these dreams I look forward to doing someday.  I hope by admitting my dreams to you and myself, they will all come true someday.

My final dream is that, in my old age, all my kids are happily married.  I have 6 grandchildren.  I was happily married with Zach for a long long time.  In my final dream, I lie in bed and drift off to sleep and never wake up.  That is how I hope my story ends.  I want a full and happy life full of no regrets.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Top 8 things I dislike about being a mother

Being a mom isn't always easy and like any job, there are things you like and dislike.  When people ask, "how is being a mom?"  What is the right answer?  Do I give the same answer as when people ask, "how is your day?"  Do I give the generic "fine"?  Or do I blow your mind by giving a long explanation of the truth?

So along with my top 12 things I love about being a mother, I made a list of my top 8 things I dislike about being a mother.  Why 8?  Cause that's the number I got.  Here we go...

1.  I dislike that my house will never be clean again.  It feels like there is 3 times more housework than before my son was born.  In actuality there isn't much more housework, but when you have a baby crawling and sucking on things that hit the floor you become very aware how gross the floor is.  Especially when you have 3 dogs.  I use to have a cordial relationship with my vacuum which has since turned bitter.  When I open the closet door, I look at the vacuum through the corner of my eye, and think, "So.... we meet again..."  Then I begrudgingly become it's slave til it brings our carpets back to life.

2.  I dislike pregnancy pounds that have made me their home.  BTW... if you are one of those mom's who lost all their pregnancy wait.... I hate you.  Ok, maybe not hate you... I strongly dislike you.  You don't deserve me hating you.  (Even though I'm thinking it.... sorry.)

3.  My love/hate relationship with the diaper bag.  Am I the over prepared mother who is willing to carry a 30 lb diaper bag of diapers, toys, food, bib, snacks, sippy cups/bottles, sunscreen, and first aid kit?  The answer is no.  Am I always out of the house with my son when I realize the one thing I need, is still sitting on the kitchen counter?  The answer is yes. 

4.  I dislike the diaper pail... It stinks!  The bigger Alex gets, the faster it gets full. I hate emptying it and I hate the smell.  I look forward to the days we are done with diapers.  Of course, as soon as Alex is potty trained we'll probably have more kids.  I foresee diapers in my life for a long... long.... time.

5.  I dislike exploding diapers!  I am so glad this phase is done!  For those fortunate not to know about exploding diapers, the Luvs commercials were not kidding.  Not only does it ruin the outfit he's wearing, but the concoction of bleach and water we created, did not always guarantee it won't discolor the outfit.  You have not lived, til you have to cut a onesie off your child because it is so gross.  But, I digress. Thank God this phase pretty much ends once they start eating solids.

6.  I dislike how often they change.  You think you've figured out a bottle schedule and then it's time for solid foods.  You figure out their nap schedule and  they will no longer sleep at that time.  I am a self-proclaimed "control freak", and this seriously messes with me.  As a parent you learn, with babies, you are not in control they are.  And, as much as you want to try and take control, they take it right back.

7.  I dislike my bitter relationship with bedtime.  This year, we went to a New Year's Party which was from 4-6pm so everyone could get their kids home in time for bedtime.  Oh New Year's Parties... rocking til midnight are now a thing of the past.  But other than New Year's, I dislike that once your baby is asleep, you are bound to your house with nowhere to go, and although Alex has never woken up between the hours of 8:30-midnight, it seems unfair that we can't leave the house.  Correction... both of us can't leave the house.  If I want to go party, I can leave my hubby twittling his fingers at home, or vice versa.  It was hard giving up our ability to go out as a couple when we wanted.  But, in the end, it makes date night that much sweeter. (Which doesn't quite match the desire for it to happen more often, but at least we appreciate date nights more when they happen.)

8. I dislike that whether or not I sleep at night my son, my alarm clock, will go off at 7am with no mercy.  What I'd do to be able to sleep in on the weekends once in awhile?!?

So those are my top 8 things I dislike about being a mother.  The list is pretty short.  There are some things I have a very hard time with when it comes to being a mother, but whether I have the guts to share it, we'll see.  Stay tuned.  And if this list is a little too negative for you?  Check out the "top 12 things I love about being a mother".