Saturday, March 9, 2013

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Rolls

In planning for Valentine's Day, I saw heart shaped cinnamon roll on Pinterest. I thought it was adorable and should be easy, so I picked up a can of Pillsbury rolls. I love that Pillsbury offers a half sized can so I don't have to make a whole dozen for my small family. I know a dozen cinnamon rolls wouldn't last a day around me.

As luck would have it I got strep throat on Valentine's Day.  So here it is, the month of March.  I know I have to use these rolls at some point, so I decided today was the day.  I pulled out the rolls, I turned on the oven, and searched for my pin on Pinterest.

Then I realized in.  The pin on Pinterest were for cinnamon rolls from scratch.  I have my can of cinnamon rolls like the anti-Betty Crocker.

Here is the link for the heart shaped rolls from scratch:  Think About it Thursday

I decide to go for it anyway. I pull out a 13x9 pan. I unrolled the rolls and shaped them into hearts. They still came out cute. They were also super fast and easy.

My son's eyes lite up when I gave him some and I handed my hubby a roll on a plate.

I asked Zach, "What did you think of the heart shaped cinnamon rolls?." He answered, "They were heart shaped?" I guess a man's stomach overrides his eyes.  These would be great to make with kids and I recommend informing your hubby they are heart shaped BEFORE they get consumed. :D

Happy Baking!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Husband and Wife Humor

Me: Do you have any tissues? I spilled some wine on my neck.
Hubby: Nope.
Me: Wanna lick it off?
Hubby: Use your shirt. It'll be fine.
Me: Is that what our marriage has come to?


The sound of a man who realized he just messed up.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Night on Vacation in Redondo

My sister had the great idea of staying at our step-father's condo for the weekend. We took our 18 month old and met up with my sister and her hubby. We had a great time despite our troubles getting our child to sleep in his new surroundings. Zach's job was to get Alex to sleep during the weekend.

All had been great. Last night however, Alex woke up crying while we were still up enjoying ourselves. Zach informed us he'd be back in 10 minutes and went and laid down with Alex. My sister and I continued talking and waited. After a period of time it became clear that Zach must have fallen asleep. I go in there and see my hubby and son cuddling on a child's fold out couch. It was such an adorable scene. On closer inspection I realize it was just Zach. Where's my son?? I got a little worried. I look behind Zach and to my surprise... my child is cuddling a nearby dresser. I pick up Alex and transfer him to the crib upstairs. I tried to wake Zach, but he was not budging. I tried two more times, but he made it clear he was planning on sleeping on the floor next to my sister and brother-in-law. I told my sister "good luck" and left the room. Within two minutes my sister successfully kicked him out. My hubby was very agitated and very grumpy.

When Zach woke up this morning he wondered how he got in bed and why he was still in his clothes from yesterday. I told him the story. Then my wonderful husband got up and took Alex for a walk so I could continue sleeping. (Mind you it was 6 am.) Here are some pictures from this fun weekend.