Monday, January 21, 2013

Playing in the New Year

I found a pin on pinterest which gives monthly activity play to play with your children.   With it being January 21, I'm already behind.  So all the more playing to be had!  We'll see what I can get done.  I'm posting so my fellow friends can get inspired and play with their kids as well.


Make Sparkly Snow Paint.
1/2 cup of four, salt, and water
Apply to heavy paper or cardboard with a spoon.  Will sparkle as it dries.

Collect Rain through the month.

Blow cotton balls with a straw

Upside Down Drawing.  Tape paper under the table and draw with crayons.

Build an indoor obstacle course with pillows chirs, couch cushions, laundry baskets and other household items.

Freeze Dance with your favorite song.

A jumpstart on February activities...

Make a structure with toothpicks and marshmellows

Paint some cardstock and make postcards and send notes to friends and family with it.

Do a sink and float experiment.

Have a living room picnic

Bat a balloon around.  Use head, elbow, knees, or nose.  Use a bat or a fly squatter.

How tall of of a block tower can you build?

Time to get playing!!

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