Saturday, November 17, 2012

DIET... is die with a T.

Garfield was my favorite cartoon when I was growing up.  I had 3 maybe 5 of his cartoon books.  The cartoon I laughed hardest at was one picture long and it said "DIET... is die with a T".

The holidays are here and I never expect how bad I eat until the day after Halloween.  At least once a week my husband will say while sitting in a sea of wrappers, "We need to throw out the Halloween candy!!"  Every morning I wake up and think about it, that's when I'd have the power to do it, but from 3-10pm is when my inner chocolate vampire comes out and at the end of the night I stare at my victims.

I keep thinking I need to eat better!  I need to diet!  We are in the middle of the holidays!  It's gonna keep getting worse!

I feel like we are on a slide and come January we are spit out, fat, broke, cold, dark, and praying for spring.  So this holiday season I am deciding to add to my diet not take away.  I figure that way I'm more likely to stick to it.  Here is how I'm going to do it:

1.  Eat more often.  Every two hours.
I was told by many personal trainers in order to loose weight you have to eat 5 times a day.

2.  Try to eat 5-7 fruits and vegetables a day.
Fruits and Vegetables are not only good for you, but they are high in fiber, so they will keep you full longer.

3.  Drink more water.
Usually we eat when we are really thirsty.  Try to have a glass of water 1/2 an hour to an hour before you eat again... therefore, you'll eat less.

4.  Eat more protein.
Filling and helps fight sugar cravings.

So here's the deal.  I'm not going to tell myself not to have something, but if I'm consuming more of these things, I am less likely to consume things I shouldn't be having.  I loose my cravings and I'm more in control of my diet.

The easiest way to do this is to keep a daily journal.  I try to eat every two hours and on the other hours I have a huge glass of water.  I check it off throughout the day.  I keep a list of the fruits and vegetables at the bottom of the list so I remember what is in the fridge.  All in all, this keeps my ravenous cravings under control.

I hope this gives some of you ideas on how to survive the holidays.

Tis the Season and Happy Holidays!!

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