Yesterday I realized there was less than a week til Christmas.
That's when my anxiety started to hit the roof.
I looked at my to do list, it seemed so long and overwhelming.
So I sorted myself out using some techniques I used in planning my wedding and I got myself on track.
I hope this will help you to.
1. Divide list between urgent, important, and after the holidays. Try to make the after the holidays list as long as possible. Everything else on the list should be either urgent, which means it needs to be done asap, or important, which means it needs to be done before the holidays.
2. Take the after the holidays list and hide it (This is most of my normal day to day to do list. I'll pick it back up next week.)
3. Now mark everything on the urgent and important list if can be done fast. If it's fast and urgent? That's where you start. If it's fast and important, it's up to you whether it should be done quickly to make your list shorter and less overwhelming. I recommend getting as many fast things done asap.
4. Next mark your urgent and important things: at home, on the computer, or out of the house. That way you are working on all of your computer things together and running all your errands together.
5. Now that your list is organized, start with your urgent list and work down through the important list.
6. Last bit of advice is: keep a notepad. I usually find random things come up. I forget them, and then they keep coming up. ie. we are out of sponges and pepper. I will never remember these details. Write down normal day to day things so they can be added to your out of the house list. We are going to need pepper and sponges before Christmas. So don't forget your day to day life, you don't want that adding to the stress.
If you need help figuring out what to get your friends and family for Christmas read The Perfect Holiday Present. It will help keep you from feeling embarrassed when you hand a loved one a gift. I hope these suggestions will help ease the stress of the holiday season. Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
How to find the Perfect Holiday Present....
Every year, like everyone else, I make a list of the family and friends who I want to get Christmas presents for. I try to think of what to get them and every year, too close to Christmas (and usually after I've already gotten them a Christmas presents), I think, I should have asked them a couple questions so I know what to get them.
Here are two lists. One where you can ask yourself some questions about the person, to see if you can figure a present out yourself, and a second list of questions to ask them, to get ideas for the perfect present.
I found a list online of questions to ask yourself. Here is the link and here it is below:
Christmas Gift Questionnaire
Take all of the following questions into consideration to help you
select a suitable Christmas Present!
select a suitable Christmas Present!
- How much can you spend?
- How old is the person that you wish to buy the gift for?
- Is it a gift for a man or woman?
- What does the person do during their leisure times in the evening or at weekends?
- Do they enjoy outdoor or indoor activities?
- What is their favorite sport?
- What type of TV programs, movies or books would interest them? Comedies, romance, action, horror or dramas?
- Are they a music lover?
- Are they car crazy?
- Are they a gadget guru?
- Are they in to Computers or Electronics?
- Do they like clothes? Are they fashion conscious? Are they well dressed?
- Are they a proud parent / grandparent?
- Do they like animals? Have they got a pet?
- Are they into health and fitness? Do they love the gym?
- Do they like to be pampered?
- Are they into gossip and celebrities?
- Do they enjoy going out to the theatre or movies?
- Are they into Home improvements - DIY etc?
- Do they enjoy gardening
- Do they love plants or flowers?
- Are they travel enthusiasts? Do they love trains, boats or planes?
- Would they enjoy unusual experiences?
- Are they into photography? Or treasure family photos?
- Do they enjoy history and nostalgia?
- Do they enjoy cards or board games?
- Would they like some type of memorabilia? Keepsake presents?
- Do they enjoy enjoy eating and drinking well?
- What is their favorite food and drink?
- What does the person do for a living? Professional? Office? Trade? Retired?
- Do they enjoy model making or crafts? Are they artistic?
- Would they appreciate a religious or spiritual themed
- What has the person already got?
- What would the person really like?
- What type of gift would you like to buy them?
- A Practical gift
- A Funny Gift
- An Unusual gift
- A Personalized Gift
- A gift they would not buy themselves!
- A gift related to their business?
- A present related to a hobby or interest? - Remember that whatever gift or present you choose to buy they will be even more appreciated if they are beautifully wrapped!
Chances are, if you don't know what to get them, they don't know what to get you. If you visit someone often you can see what their house may be missing, or they might say they wish they had something, but I assure you, if you don't know what to get them, they are probably wondering the same for you. If you ask a couple questions, it shows you are interested in getting them something they would like and that is a good thing!
Here is 20 questions to ask.
Pick up the phone. Yes, that thing you text and Facebook on and forget has a dial tone... pick up the phone and call your family member. The reason? You can tell in their inflection as to whether or not, what you are asking, is something they are interested in receiving, and that will really help. If you e-mail them a list of questions, chances are, they won't fill it out and return it to you, so pick up the phone.
- For a quick meal where do you go? On lunch break? On weekends?
- For a nice restaurant, where do you go? Are there chain restaurants you like?
- Do you like fancy coffee to make at home or go out for coffee? Where?
- What is your favorite color?
- What is your favorite color to wear?
- Would you prefer a sweater or jacket? Size?
- Casual shirts or going out shirts? Size?
- What are you most comfortable wearing? Size?
- Do you need robes, slippers, belts, socks, purse, wallet?
- Do you need shoes or boots? What size? What color?
- Do you prefer candy or chocolate? What kind?
- Do you prefer body wash/bubble bath or perfume?
- Is there any jewelry you need? Earrings? Necklace? Bracelet? Watch? What kind? What color?
- What do you do for fun?
- Books? What kind? Romance, Comedy, Action, Horror, Drama? Paperback or E-book?
- Movies? DVDs or theater? Which theater?
- What is your favorite drink? Favorite drink to make at home?
- Do you need any appliances or need anything for the kitchen?
- Do you need anything for your home?
- Do you need anything for work? Clothes? Shoes?
Before you pick up the phone, go through the list and see which questions you actually want to ask. All questions might not apply. I highly recommend not asking someone who doesn't drink, what kind of drink they like. Just a suggestion.
The good think about asking a variety of questions is, they have no idea what you are going to get them. The good think about doing it on the phone is, they won't remember what questions you asked, and maybe, what answers they gave.
For next year, keep a list all year of gift ideas for your friends and family. That might make the gift giving easier. It's also a good idea to keep a list for yourself, because in the middle of February when I think, "Man, I'd really like a massage" when it hits Christmas, my birthday, or an anniversary, I can tell people what I'd like for a present and make their gift giving a little easier.
Happy Holidays!! Have a wonderful holiday season!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Fun with Finger Paints..
I gave Alex some pasta with meatballs and marinara for lunch. He was so messy, I knew I would have to give him a bath. I thought, is there a recipe for finger paints that I can use in the bath and give him a bath after?
Sure enough I found one! I look for crafts where I have all of the ingredients, so this one was an easy one.
2 cups dish soap
6 tbsp corn starch
food coloring
and a muffin tin
Mixed the dish soap and corn starch in a measuring cup.
Poured it in a tin and added the food coloring...
But, it left me with A LOT of mix left.
I only used a 1/4 of a cup.
So if I had to do it again.... the measurements I would use is:
1/2 cup dish soap
1.5 tbsp of cornstarch
That way you will not have an obscene amount leftover, but I'm sure the soap and cornstarch mixture doesn't go bad? If you want to have a lot leftover, or if you have bigger kids who would use more, feel free to make the whole batch.
The introduction of my son to the paints...
Yes, my son is na-k-ed. Sorry for the X-rated pictures.. haha. (But he was going to take a bath! He may kill me in 15 years, oh well.) Course, kids could be in swimsuits as well.
Starting to realize what to do...
And he digs in...
Doing well....
And gets a little creative...
It was a hit....
To clean up... Alex got a bubble bath... just add water...
My husband scrubbing the tub with a rag... he's so handy....
The food coloring did come off easy and the tub got a cleaned. I did give Alex a second bath.
The paints were great! The only other disclaimer is, dish soap can get slippery, so if you use a bigger batch, keep an eye on your kids. But it was a lot of fun!!!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Happiness and Good Fortune...
I've been doing a lot of soul searching recently and trying to find the meaning of life. I've been trying to find balance and find what makes me happy.
Last night I was at my husband's work holiday party. It was at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. They had an amazing array of food stations, I wanted some Asian food, so that's what we enjoyed. Of course we had to grab some fortune cookies.
This is what my fortune read:
What kind of fortune is that? It taught me how to say 'jump' in Chinese?
Well then I flipped it over..
How profound! Happiness can never be achieved if we always want what we can't have. Happiness can be found in appreciating what we do have.
I was having a moment appreciating my good fortune.
Until I read my husband's...
What the!?!? All of a sudden I wanted my husband's fortune and wasn't appreciating the fortune I had. I guess my new lesson didn't last long.
But hey! Look at what I won during the raffle...
I guess someone has some good fortune after all.
But going back to my fortune. I agree. If we spend more time appreciating what we have rather than lusting over what we want, a great deal of happiness can be derived from it.
I wish you all happiness and good fortune. Have a wonderful holiday season!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Are we ready for baby number two??
Alex is now almost 16 months. The internal debate of are we ready for baby number two is on our minds. I keep going back in forth between what is the point of working right now and trying to establish a career if I'm going to get pregnant again? And the fear of having two babies...
I joined a mommy group called the "First Time Moms" when I was pregnant. This group has been a lifesaver in my adjustments of being a first time mom, but now our children are getting older and many of us are thinking about our second child. We may have to rename our group.
Our friend Erin is the pioneer of our group. She gave birth to her second child two weeks ago. I feel like a female chimp around a mother chimp wanting to learn more. I'm in awe of the newborn and what life could be like with a second child. And of course, like all first time mothers, I'm afraid what the affects of having baby number 2 would have on my baby number 1.
I went to go visit Erin last week. I was very interested to see how Alex would handle me holding a baby. Instantly when holding baby Vin, I realized how difficult it would be to give attention to Alex. I watched Alex to see what he would do.
Alex walked over and gently started caressing the babies head. I was ecstatic, this may not be so bad after all. Then something happened, which I've only seen him do a couple times, Alex kissed the baby on the forehead! He had given me a couple open mouthed kisses on the cheek before, so it was amazing to see him being affectionate towards the newborn. As Alex took a couple steps a way I starting to relax in the idea of having baby number 2 until Alex came back and smacked the newborn in the face.
Erin and I both screamed "NO!!" Poor Alex got so frightened he started crying. I felt mortified. I was so surprised, I didn't know what to do. Do I discipline Alex? He's too young to really understand what he's doing? What is Erin going to think about what just happened? I appologized and handed her her baby back. The nice thing about baby number 1 is... you don't have to worry about a brother smacking it around, a new element with having a second child.
Erin needed to get both kids to the newborn's 2 week doctor's appointment. Her husband was at work and she was worried about trying to travel with both kids. I was able to go so I offered to join her and help. When I arrived Erin was trying to get both her kids ready for the trip. She had to wake up the newborn to put him in the car seat. Of course it wasn't well received and the baby started to cry. As Erin was trying to sooth the newborn, her eldest started to cry too. Now if anyone has been at my house when Alex starts to cry, they have experienced the three dogs who chime in and howl at the same time. This felt very similar. (Oh God... I would have a newborn crying, Alex, and three dogs?? God help me.) But it was amazing to watch Erin first sooth the newborn and then sooth the eldest and the balance back and forth until both boys stopped crying.
The doctors appointment went off without a hitch. As we get back to the car to load both boys, the newborn starts crying again. How is it that newborns have such a blood curdling scream? Erin was wonderful and patient. My only comforting thought was maybe it's easier when it's your own child doing the crying? I remember how hard it was to listen to Alex cry like that all day for the first couple months. I'm so thankful he doesn't cry like that anymore. Am I ready to do that again? Is my body ready? Am I ready emotionally? Is my sanity ready to handle not only a newborn, but two children at once?? I want to have our children close together, but there are so many pros and cons to having a second one now vs. waiting.
For the last 8 months or so we've been calling Erin's baby "Baby Yalla #2". Well, "Baby Griffith #2" is being discussed and will make a debut sometime in the next year...
Here are some pictures of Alex as a newborn and his first venture out of the house...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A Trip of a Lifetime
One of the brilliant things about Facebook is the ability to find people you haven't seen in ages. There was one person in particular, who I've thought about for years. I spent 4-6 of my teenage years growing up with her, she moved to Hawaii and I always wondered what happened to her. Every mutual friend we have asks me if I've seen or heard from her and I'm usually asking them the same.
One friend finally found her. God knows she has over 500 friends on Facebook and she doesn't use it that often. That's the girl I know. She had the perfect body, she was always followed by a herem of men, and if anyone knows how to network... it's her.
Apparently, she's living up the single life in Hawaii, her body is still perfect and she's a bartender. She's bought an apartment in Hawaii and she traveled to Europe for 2 months last year. While she's telling me this my hairs of jealousy started to twang. I know... she may be embellishing, a happy single life might not be all it's cracked up to be, but my freedom was the one thing I was afraid to give up when I became a parent.
She invited me out to Hawaii to come visit. I got wrapped up in thoughts of how to justify spending the money for me to fly solo to Hawaii. I got wrapped up in thoughts of how I could ask my husband, who works so hard, to watch our son so I can go relax in the Hawaii sun. I got wrapped up in the thoughts of having more children and how hard it would be to take a trip like that anytime soon.
God! Europe! If you asked me what my current dreams would be... my two travel dreams are: to kiss my husband on top of the Eiffel Tower and to drink wine in Italy. Those two trips are on my bucket list.
Becoming a parent, I am trying to come to terms with trips like that probably won't be checked off for a long time.
I turned on my Facebook and my sister had posted a picture we had taken in Paris in 2008. I opened my picture folder on my computer and our Europe pictures have a whole new meaning.
Our mother is English. I had not been to England since I was 7, right before the passing of my grandfather. Going back had a lot of nostalgia. We went to England and Paris. Flipping through the pictures brought a smile to my face... here are a few...
England of course, the great Stonehenge.
Big Ben...
London Eye..
Tea Time with mom's cousin...
The birth place of Shakespeare...
And my favorite when I was a kid... the Roman Bath...
After England we spent some time in France.
The castle of Mont Saint-Michel...
In Paris, on my 28 birthday, of course we had to go to "The Museum of Wine". I ran a wine meetup group for a year... yes, I'm somewhere between a wine snob and a wino. The museum wasn't that exciting, but the thought of the wine and cheese pairing at the end still makes my mouth drool.
The Louvre...
Mom and Deanne at the Mona Lisa...
Notre Dame...
And my sister and I on the Eiffel Tower...
which someday will be a picture of me and my husband...
I don't think I nearly appreciated the trip as much as I should have, but now looking at the pictures, I am very grateful that I was able to go. I think of the places I've been and I consider myself lucky. I hope there will be more fun exciting trips in the future, but for now.. I will continue to annoy my Facebook friends with millions of pictures of my son whom I get to enjoy on a daily basis.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
DIET... is die with a T.
Garfield was my favorite cartoon when I was growing up. I had 3 maybe 5 of his cartoon books. The cartoon I laughed hardest at was one picture long and it said "DIET... is die with a T".
The holidays are here and I never expect how bad I eat until the day after Halloween. At least once a week my husband will say while sitting in a sea of wrappers, "We need to throw out the Halloween candy!!" Every morning I wake up and think about it, that's when I'd have the power to do it, but from 3-10pm is when my inner chocolate vampire comes out and at the end of the night I stare at my victims.
I keep thinking I need to eat better! I need to diet! We are in the middle of the holidays! It's gonna keep getting worse!
I feel like we are on a slide and come January we are spit out, fat, broke, cold, dark, and praying for spring. So this holiday season I am deciding to add to my diet not take away. I figure that way I'm more likely to stick to it. Here is how I'm going to do it:
1. Eat more often. Every two hours.
I was told by many personal trainers in order to loose weight you have to eat 5 times a day.
2. Try to eat 5-7 fruits and vegetables a day.
Fruits and Vegetables are not only good for you, but they are high in fiber, so they will keep you full longer.
3. Drink more water.
Usually we eat when we are really thirsty. Try to have a glass of water 1/2 an hour to an hour before you eat again... therefore, you'll eat less.
4. Eat more protein.
Filling and helps fight sugar cravings.
So here's the deal. I'm not going to tell myself not to have something, but if I'm consuming more of these things, I am less likely to consume things I shouldn't be having. I loose my cravings and I'm more in control of my diet.
The easiest way to do this is to keep a daily journal. I try to eat every two hours and on the other hours I have a huge glass of water. I check it off throughout the day. I keep a list of the fruits and vegetables at the bottom of the list so I remember what is in the fridge. All in all, this keeps my ravenous cravings under control.
I hope this gives some of you ideas on how to survive the holidays.
Tis the Season and Happy Holidays!!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Playing in the Clouds
It's a cloudy November morning. Definitely a pj and french toast kinda day. I had a meeting scheduled for 10:15am, but it was rescheduled to Monday. Pjs it is!!
I keep thinking of all the pins I pin on pinterest. How many do I actually do? There are so many great cooking and baking recipes and activities to do with your kids that I vow to see what easy pins I can actually accomplish. I wanted to play with my son this morning, so I was on the hunt for a pin that I had all the ingredients to. Sure enough, I had the ingredients for Cloud Dough.
Cloud Dough: 8 cups of flour, 1 cup of baby oil.
I've had friends make this before and tell me how fun it is. I've felt it before and it is really soft and "cloud-like". So I gave it a try.
At first I was nervous I did it wrong. When I mixed it together and it was kinda gross. But sure enough, it came out great.
I started with the recipe and then doubled it when we started having fun....
It felt like summer in the fall, a sandbox in my kitchen. This was more pleasant than sand. Much of it didn't stay in the box, but I wasn't worried because the pin said clean up was a breeze.
He did make quite a mess.
I checked the pin for the clean up solution..... And there was none.....
I started to panic. I am a mediocre house cleaner at best. Can you vacuum flour???
So I swept it off the carpet and on to the linoleum with a broom, vacuumed the carpets, swiffered the floor, and it was back to normal. Clean up was easy.
Even though I find flour in the most random places now, it was a lot of fun and I'd do it again. We have a box of clouds in our garage and the ingredients are simple enough that I can keep adding to the box I have.
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