As luck would have it I got strep throat on Valentine's Day. So here it is, the month of March. I know I have to use these rolls at some point, so I decided today was the day. I pulled out the rolls, I turned on the oven, and searched for my pin on Pinterest.
Then I realized in. The pin on Pinterest were for cinnamon rolls from scratch. I have my can of cinnamon rolls like the anti-Betty Crocker.
Here is the link for the heart shaped rolls from scratch: Think About it Thursday
I decide to go for it anyway. I pull out a 13x9 pan. I unrolled the rolls and shaped them into hearts. They still came out cute. They were also super fast and easy.
My son's eyes lite up when I gave him some and I handed my hubby a roll on a plate.
I asked Zach, "What did you think of the heart shaped cinnamon rolls?." He answered, "They were heart shaped?" I guess a man's stomach overrides his eyes. These would be great to make with kids and I recommend informing your hubby they are heart shaped BEFORE they get consumed. :D
Happy Baking!